Richard Neutra: Der Schoenste Kasten
SAH/SCC Tour & Talk: Glendale
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Join SAH/SCC for an exclusive opportunity to engage in thoughtful dialogue about the work of Richard Neutra at the Taylor Residence (1964) in Glendale. Der Schoenste Kasten translates into "The Most Beautiful Box," a concept our guest speaker, author, Neutra scholar, and former SAH/SCC Board Member Barbara Lamprecht, has been working on in relation to Neutra's designs. Also joining us will be master carpenter Eric Lamers, who assisted in the restoration work.
According to Lamprecht in her definitive monograph, The Complete Neutra, in the Taylor residence "one is surrounded by an up-close panorama of gnarled live oak trees and their inhabitants, squirrels racing along the large branches, an animated pastoral that yet confirms instant serenity." A relatively small house, the Taylor residence is an elegant distillation of the architect's most important ideas about transparency, circulation, and quality of life.
Event participants will enjoy the opportunity to contemplate the flora, fauna, and architecture of the Taylor Residence in an unhurried and informal setting. Insightful commentary on Neutra's work by Lamprecht, along with the homeowner's perspective, will enhance the afternoon.
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