Authors On Architecture: Welter on Tremaine Houses
SAH/SCC Zoom Lecture
Saturday, September 26, 2020

Join SAH/SCC on Zoom for a fascinating exploration of one family’s involvement in a range of modern architecture and design projects. SAH/SCC Life Member Volker M. Welter shares from his book, Tremaine Houses: One Family’s Patronage of Domestic Architecture in Midcentury America (Getty Publications, 2019).
Two brothers, Burton G. Tremaine and Warren D. Tremaine—and their respective wives, Emily and Katharine—commissioned architects such as Richard Neutra, FAIA, and Oscar Niemeyer, Hon. FAIA, along with other noted practitioners, to design some 30 projects. Lavishly illustrated, this book offers the first peek into their architectural legacy. From the famed Tremaine Residence (Neutra, 1948) in Montecito, to the Meteor Crater Visitor Center (Phillip Johnson, FAIA, 1956) in Arizona, the family’s motivations and ideas about architecture and art are explored by Welter.
Welter is a professor in the Department of the History of Art and Architecture at the University of California, Santa Barbara. A favorite lecturer of SAH/SCC, Welter will provide a charismatic and informative presentation.
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