By-Right By-Design
SAH/SCC Patron & Life Member Salon, Mar Vista
Sunday, August 25, 2019

SAH/SCC welcomes author Elizabeth Falletta for a very special Patron and Life Member Salon afternoon of thoughtful discussion about housing development vs. housing design in Los Angeles. Her new book, By-Right, By-Design (Routledge, 2019), explores this topic through six case studies. This exclusive Patron and Life Member Salon will take place in a Modernique Home (Gregory Ain, FAIA, 1948) in Mar Vista, one of the projects examined in the book.
The conversation will include side-by-side comparisons of real estate development models built “by-right” (along current planning, building, and zoning code standards) with singular examples of innovative architecture built “by-design,” those that challenge restrictions to maximize design and development. These studies reveal new insights for future housing production in Los Angeles and elsewhere. Projects will be examined through the lenses of real estate development, urban planning, and design, with the intent of expanding the context in which these works can be understood, evaluated, and, ultimately, built upon.
Falletta teaches architectural and urban design at USC’s Price School of Public Policy. She has more than 15 years of experience teaching design across disciplines at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Her courses focus on design as an interdisciplinary activity and explore how the intersecting values of architecture, planning, and development inform the design process and improve design outcomes.
In addition to teaching full time, Falletta is principal of Falletta Development, which developed one of the early small-lot subdivisions in Los Angeles, located on Huntington Drive in El Sereno. She has consulted on many small-lot subdivisions throughout LA and worked as an entitlements consultant on various single- and multi-family housing projects. She is a licensed architect and a licensed real estate broker in the state of California.
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