DTLA Adaptive Reuse Hard-Hat Tour
SAH/SCC Tour, Los Angeles
Saturday, March 23, 2019

SAH/SCC is excited to offer an exclusive hard-hat tour in the historic core of Downtown Los Angeles. Participants will go behind the façades of the Broadway Trade Center and the Singer Building to get a peek at two adaptive reuse projects by Omgivning Architects. Along with partner Chattel Associates, the architects will provide history on the buildings and insight into the renovations and how their future use will transform the corner of 8th Street and Broadway.
The Singer Building (Meyer and Holler, 1922) is an eight-story, Beaux-Arts structure originally occupied by the Southern California Music Company, which sold musical instruments and hosted concerts by international musicians in the top-floor auditorium. Later, the building became a warehouse for the Singer sewing machine company, as noted in the painted signage still visible on the northern side of the building.
Six live/work lofts and new ground-floor retail will bring it back to life. Restoration of the façade adheres to the Broadway Historic District Guidelines, while interior renovations will bring the building up to code for seismic strengthening and residential use. New interventions allowing for modern use of live/work spaces complement the existing original elements.
The 10-story, Beaux-Arts Broadway Trade Center, formerly known as Hamburger’s Department Store (Rosenheim & Curlett, 1906), consists of more than 1 million square feet as a result of three additions in its lifetime. Its use as a department store transitioned in the 1980s and the building has been underutilized through the past decade. The building will be revitalized as a mixed-use complex and become a signature landmark again to the historic core.
Components of the future project include creative offices, hotel, retail, restaurants, and a food hall, as well as significant rooftop amenities. The historic elements became a central generator for the design as the project strategically coordinated elements for the building reuse.
Join us for a walking tour of these two signature buildings and projects that will contribute to the revitalized historic core of Downtown Los Angeles.
NOTE: As these projects are active construction sites, hard-soled closed-toe shoes (such as hiking boots or construction boots) will be required; hard hats will be provided for all attendees. We regret that this tour is not suited for those with difficulties walking or standing.
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