Modern Patrons: Neutra’s Rados Residence
Tour and Salon
Sunday, February 24, 2019

The SAH/SCC, in partnership with deasy|penner|podley, presents an afternoon of dialogue about architecture and ideas featuring the work of modern master Richard Neutra at the John and Etta Rados Residence (Richard Neutra, 1958) in San Pedro. Until now, the house has never been opened to the public. Neutra scholar and SAH/SCC Member, Barbara Lamprecht, PhD will be on hand to discuss the house and family members are slated to be present and share their memories.
In her book, Neutra: The Complete Works (Taschen, 2000), Lamprecht says, "Responding with grace and toughness to its marine home, this house is exciting first because here, Neutra’s usual repertoire of problems that typically he set himself—problems of space, fluidity, views, perception, and function— are resolved in flawless details throughout. Second, because these solutions are rendered in the richest of materials and with unprecedented craftsmanship: stainless steel, mahogany, glass, aluminum, and ruddy veined marble from Italy.” She adds, “Notably, the Rados House was not only widely published globally but was one of just four houses Neutra selected for a 1959 exhibition on mid-century Modernism by the American Federation of Arts in New York. The others: the Lovell Health House, the Kaufmann Desert House, and the Moore House in Ojai, all iconic and well-known designs. That the Rados was included in this elite group speaks volumes.”
Built for a ship builder and his wife, the house has a commanding view of San Pedro Harbor, the Port of Long Beach, the horizon of the Pacific Ocean and the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Mountains.
Please join us on this rare visit to a work by a modern master.
Ticket sales for this event will be limited. Priority will be given to SAH/SCC Life and Patron Level members of the SAH/SCC. Limit two tickets per member. Regular members will be accommodated via a waitlist on a first-come, first served basis. All ticket sales will be checked against the current membership roster and refunds will be issued to anyone violating these rules.
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