Soriano: Before & After-The Glen Lukens Residence
SAH/SCC Salon & Home Visit
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Join SAH/SCC in celebration of the rescue and restoration of the Glen Lukens Residence (1940) by Raphael Soriano For those of us who witnessed the sad state of this important house for the past 25 years, the rescue of the Lukens Residence as an important architectural and cultural resource is a story that should be told. And this is a house that should be experienced.
From a boarded-up eyesore in West Adams to a vital and vibrant masterpiece, the Glen Lukens residence was saved from demolition in 2006. A new owner purchased the property in 2010, with a commitment to return the house to its glory days.
The house was originally designed by Soriano for the noted artist/ceramicist Glen Lukens, who also taught at the University of Southern California. Lukens invited a promising young extension student of his, Frank. O. Gehry, to visit the construction site and meet Soriano. Gehry remembers, \"…[Soriano] was directing construction with great authority. I was terribly moved by this image. I found myself intrigued with the work of Soriano and the idea of architecture. I think it was Glen’s hunch that would happen.\"
According to Wolfgang Wagener, author of Raphael Soriano (Phaidon, 2002), the Lukens Residence also represents an important transition in Soriano’s work from the International Style to California Modern-with its configuration the first of Soriano\'s work to really establish an indoor-outdoor relationship.
Program participants will have the opportunity to visit the house that inspired Gehry, learn more about Soriano, and hear from guest speakers about the challenges and opportunities faced by the owner in bringing it back to life, including the changes they made along the way. Light refreshments and nibbles will be served.
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