Authors on Architecture: Swan on Pond
SAH/SCC Lecture, Westwood
Saturday, April 10, 2010

SAH/SCC welcomes David Swan, editor of the new book The Autobiography of Irving K. Pond (Hyoogen Press, 2009) for a presentation of the life and work of this Chicago architect. The event will be held in the Board Room of the Westwood Branch of the Los Angeles Public Library (Ehrlich Architects, 2005).
Irving K. Pond and his brother Allen Pond practiced architecture in Chicago and were contemporaries of innovative local architects, such as Frank Lloyd Wright, Dwight Perkins, Myron Hunt, Marion Mahoney, Robert Spencer, Walter Burley Griffin, Adamo Boari, and Jules Guerin.
In addition to learning more about the contributions of these two architects, attendees will enjoy this visit to one of Los Angeles' architecturally significant branch libraries. Designed by architect Steven Ehrlich, FAIA, in 2005, the Westwood Branch was conceived of as an "urban oasis for learning." A thoughtfully designed urban infill project, the library building is worthy of a visit on its own.
This event is free to SAH/SCC members and the public. Reservations are not required. Up to 60 attendees will be accommodated on a first-come, first-served basis. Light refreshments will be served and a limited number of books will be available for purchase and signing by the author.
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