Home Tour, Mount Washington
Saturday, October 21, 2023

To thank our Patron and Life Members, the SAH/SCC welcomes
them for a rare opportunity to see the Jing Residence (1958, William Earl Wear)
in Mount Washington. We will be joined
by the daughter of the architect, Hannah Wear, and other special guests.
This small, jewel of a home has been lovingly restored and
reflects the influence of
Frank Lloyd Wright and his principles of organic architecture. Wear emphasized
connection to the outdoors and the surrounding landscape through design,
siting, and detailing, even incorporating local materials into the concrete
used in his projects.
house was originally built for Dr. Fong Q and Lorraine Jing. Racial covenants
prevented the Jings, a mixed-race couple, from purchasing a property in
Glendale or Burbank, closer to the Glendale Community Hospital where Dr. Jing
Earl Wear was born in 1925 in Windsor, Ontario, Canada and studied architecture
at the University of Toronto. He later immigrated to the United States and
moved to Boston, Massachusetts where he worked for the firm of Coolidge,
Shepley, Bulfinch, and Abbott. In 1952, Wear moved to California, working for
John Lautner before setting up his own architectural firm. Wear designed nine
houses in California, including the subject property and the Anderson House
(1958) in Topanga, before retiring in 1986.
is limited. If the event does not fill up, attendance will be opened to regular
SAH/SCC members.
Jing Residence Salon, Saturday, October 21stt,
2023, 11 AM, Pacific. Patron and Life Member price, $35. Payment through Paypal
only. Confirmation will be sent upon receipt.
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